Posted in beauty, inner peace, Learning, Life, love, Musings, People

The Odd, Wonderful, Sensation of Being Present



A new level of reality has been coming over me in gentle waves, lately. One I have to admit I have never noticed before. You know how there is all this talk about “Mindfulness”, being “In the Moment”, “Living in the Present”? Well, I don’t know about you, but this has always been baffling to me. I mean, where the hell else can one be? I realize that my head is always going a million miles a minute, that I am often sort of transported, mentally, into things I want to do later, items I need to pick up from the grocery store, phone calls I need to return. The truth is, it has been so common for me to live my life in this state of distraction, I wasn’t even aware that I wasn’t really EVER present for what was before me.

Suddenly, without any conscious effort on my part, there have been these times, more and more often, when I am right where I am. That I am actually seeing the world in front of me, around me, without any distraction or intrusion from the past or the future. When I am out on my walks in the morning, and the air is so bracing when I first step outside, and the way I warm up within a block or so. The rhythmic sound of my feet as I walk is like a mantra that focuses me. Sometimes, I round a corner, look up, and like this morning, I see this incredible sun rising up over the bay, and the water looks like liquid gold, like a melted trail of the sun itself. This morning, as I ran down the hill with Lucy pulling me in her overzealous wake, I felt so alive. I realized I had this big ridiculous grin on my face, and that anyone who saw me would think I was nuts, but I really didn’t care.

I stop a lot to take pictures. I walk when I feel like it, and I run when the mood strikes me. But it isn’t just happening when I am alone. The other day, my older daughter came outside to talk to me, and as I looked up at her, I was struck by her appearance. It was like I was seeing this nearly grown, beautiful young woman for the very first time. Her loveliness took my breath away. It was as if I had been walking around with some weird buffer around me, keeping me disconnected from my own eyes. “Why are you looking at me like that?” She asked. “Like what?” I bluffed, pretending like there was nothing different about anything. But everything is different. At least in flashes.

Camryn, too. As I gave her a bath the other night, like I do every night, I actually tuned in and participated (earnestly, not in the placating way that I usually do) in her joyful, non-stop banter. I realized what a wonderful, bright, sunny little human being I had been blessed with, out of the blue. I was so grateful for her guileless, un-jaded happiness…so glad that it had not been disturbed yet by whatever nonsense the world eventually heaps upon us. I am so glad I got to witness it for at least one unhurried moment.

It’s happening all the time, and it seems like the more I notice it, the more it happens. Maybe it is because I am alone, and I am free of all of the push and pull that goes on in a romantic relationship. That tends to take up a lot of head space, at least for me. Maybe it is because I have finally given myself full permission to live my life the way that I, and no one else, sees fit. That the rules I am following today are MINE. The truth is, this has brought me more peace than I have ever before known. Maybe it is the absence of fear in my life. I don’t know.

What I do know is that being present, really, fully, totally present…it truly is a gift. If I figure out how I am getting there, I will be sure to share the directions. 


I'm a single mom living life fully after years of intense addiction, trying to navigate life with grace-and failing spectacularly, sometimes. Learning to be a grown up In my 40's, without losing my lust for life, or my faith in humanity. Come, watch the antics. It should be fun (for you, at least).

9 thoughts on “The Odd, Wonderful, Sensation of Being Present

  1. As a person who over-thinks, I find it difficult for me to “live in the present.” Enjoy that sensation and I’m glad you found it! Very nice post.


    1. Thank you so much! I think over-thinking is an affliction we ALL suffer from, to some degree. Well, most, anyway. It’s such a gift to find myself actually seeing what is right in front of me for once, even if it is fleeting.


    1. Wow! I really appreciate that, considering I am such an incredible novice at the whole concept. I am learning so much about this person I am quickly coming to be, every day. I am just riding the wave, enjoying it immensely.


  2. Being truly present is a gift. I am so happy that you have been feeling present more and more, lately.

    When I think of the times when I am anxiously distracted, it’s usually because of expectations that don’t feel true to me. I wonder if living by our own rules brings that sense of peace and presence.



    1. I am starting to think that is one of the key elements…I have spent so many years trying to follow the rules of other people. No matter how good their intentions are, I think the day we realize we are adults and are capable of caring best for ourselves by doing what works best for us, that is when it really all starts! Thanks for the reminder- I will definitely not leave this out of my blog tomorrow! And thanks for reading. I appreciate it so much!


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